Procedure for Complaints Handling

As a firm accredited by safeagent, at Kwester Ltd we want you to be fully satisfied with our service. Sometimes things don’t go to plan and when something does go wrong, we need you to tell us about it. This will help us to improve our standards.

If you have a complaint, our staff who you usually deal with will try to resolve it that day, so please tell them in the first instance.

Should they need some time to investigate the matter, they will explain why and tell you how long it will take. If you’re not happy with the response you receive from the team, you can get in touch through our formal complaint’s procedure below.

Please put your formal complaint in writing either by email or letter, including as much detail as possible.

You can ask someone to help you put your complaint in writing if you wish. If you cannot put your complaint in writing, please contact us so we can document your complaint for you.

When contacting us, please tell us:

·       your name and contact details

·       confirmation of what your relationship is to the property

·       the full address of the tenancy property, if you have those details

·       the aspect of our service you are complaining about.

·       how you would like us to put matters right.

We will then respond in line with the timeframes set out below. You can get in touch in two different ways

Such as by email:

What will happen next?

·       We will send you a letter acknowledging receipt of your complaint within three working days, enclosing a copy of this procedure.

·       We will investigate your complaint. A formal written outcome of our investigation will be sent to you within 10 working days of sending the acknowledgement letter. If there is a reason why we need more time than this, we will tell you why.

·       If, at this stage, you are still not satisfied with the outcome, you should contact us again and we will arrange for a separate review to take place by a more senior member of staff.

·       We will write to you within 10 working days of receiving your request for a review, confirming our final viewpoint on the matter. If we need more time than this we will tell you why. If you still remain dissatisfied, you can then contact [name of redress scheme] to request an independent review:

TPO – The Property Ombudsman

Please note the following:

You will need to submit your complaint to the TPO within 12 months of receiving our final viewpoint letter, including any evidence to support your case.
TPO requires that all complaints are addressed through this in-house complaint’s procedure, before being submitted to them for their independent review.